Malcolm Turnbull will stand by his word to invest in climate change in the next Federal Budget according to online bookmaker

The bookie is taking bets that funding for the Emissions Reduction Fund (ERF) will increase at $1.62 and that the Climate Change Authority will continue to be funded, with $4,000,000 to $8,000,000 AUD the $2.20 favoured amount.

The Australian Renewable Energy Agency (ARENA) and the Clean Energy Finance Corporation are also tipped to survive extinction, both priced at $1.20.

“Malcolm Turnbull was more like Captain Planet making his pledges in Paris and we’re tipping the next budget will reflect his dedication to combat climate change,’’ said’s Will Byrne.

Markets courtesy of

Will direct action funding for the Emissions Reduction Fund (ERF) increase?
$1.62 Yes
$2.20 No

Will Climate Change Authority be funded in the next budget?
$1.20 Yes
$4.00 No

How much funding will Climate Change Authority receive in next budget?
$4.00 Zero
$8.00 $1 - $4m
$2.20 $4.01m - $8m
$3.50 More than $8m

Will Australian Renewable Energy Agency (ARENA) be scrapped?
$1.20 No
$4.00 Yes

Will Clean Energy Finance Corporation be scrapped?
$1.20 No
$4.00 Yes

Will Clean Energy Finance Corporation & Australian Renewable Energy Agency be merged?
$1.33 No
$3.00 Yes