It is indeed fortunate that we do not require much from our thumbs in submitting these words for your perusal. That reality permits us to preserve our opposable digits for the upcoming release of video game developer Wicked Witch’s AFL Evolution.

The game is still over three weeks from the official May 5 release, but a cinematic trailer is making the rounds in order to whet the appetite of gamers and give them time to train their thumbs into peak form for the eagerly anticipated game.

Based on our glimpses, the game is certain to threaten the real ALF with devolving to a state of irrelevance, although there does not appear to be any provision in the game for the off-field antics that seem to be a regular component of the real thing. That feature perhaps will be included once the developer can get a gauge on gamer response.

One of the most eagerly awaited aspects of the game is now available, player ratings. These ratings are certain to spark some debate; however, Nat Fyfe occupies the top spot with a rating on 94. Gary Ablett trails at 93, with Scott Pendlebury, Robbie Gray, Lance Franklin and Patrick Dangerfield tied at third with a 91 rating.

Team ratings can be a bit misleading. They are derived from combining the ratings of the teams’ list, which has the winless Swans and Hawks at the top on 81.