Everyone loves a true underdog story and when that underdog is also named after a breed of dog, well, what is not to love?

The Western Bulldogs, after finishing seventh on the ladder during the home and away season, are one game away from capturing their first premiership in over 60 years.

When it comes to sentimental favourites, it is hard to imagine a more deserving one.

Nothing against the Sydney Swans, other than teams from that region should stick to rugby and leave Aussie Rules for places that appreciate heritage and tradition, but it is probable that even in Sydney, there are more than a few to whom the prospect of the Doggies taking the flag is a fairytale ending of a dream come true.

Many can take solace in the fact that at least it was not the Greater Western Sydney Giants, upstarts with only five seasons of history that made it to the Grand Final let alone the horror prospect of the Swans and Giants invading the MCG for an all-Sydney Grand Final.

The Bulldogs have one more underdog to hurdle, as the bookmakers have made the Swans favourite by a considerable margin