When the NFL prevented New England Patriots quarterback Tom Brady from playing in the first four games of the 2016 – 2017 regular season over his purported role in the ‘deflategate’ scandal, few suspected that the penalty would work to Brady and the Patriots’ benefit. It was a rested and eager Brady who returned in week five and proceeded to tear up the opposition.

We missed that possibility; we have to admit, so we are attempting to get ahead of the field by speculating that the 8-week suspension Nick Kyrgios copped for tanking at the Shanghai Masters might serve a similar benefit for tennis’ current bad boy.

It already has, in a fashion, since monsieur Kyrgios recently learned that he had climbed to his highest spot ever, number 13, in the just released rankings.

Kyrgios, as is typical of all Millennials, immediately took to Twitter to comment on the news, writing “lol”, sarcastically, we suppose.

He could be reinstated earlier if he undergoes counseling, but we would suggest that he could put the time off to better use by spending it to work on his basketball game in preparation for the NBA All-Star exhibition in which he plans to participate in February that caused him to preemptively cancel his appearance in the final of the Rotterdam Open.