Q&A has been making headlines quite regularly this year and mostly for the wrong reasons, leading to the PM imposing a ban on his party members appearing on the show.

Seems easy enough to follow, unless you happen to be Malcolm Turnbull!

Online bookmaker sportsbet.com.au is taking bets on the Communications Minister’s scheduled appearance on Monday night, making it $1.33 he won’t show up and $3.00 that he will.

The bookie is also punting on whether the ABC will leave the chair empty to emphasise the Liberal absence, offering $6.00 that they will aggravate Tony a little bit more.

The PM himself is the $8.00 outsider to be the next Liberal to appear on the show.

“Looks like another episode of Malcolm in the Middle but he probably doesn’t want to be facing a Q&A with Tony should he defy him again,’’ said sportsbet.com.au’s Will Byrne.

Markets courtesy of sportsbet.com.au:

Will Turnbull be on Monday’s Q&A?
$1.33 No
$3.00 Yes

Will Q&A leave empty chair for Liberal?
$1.10 No
$6.00 Yes

Minister next on Q&A?
$3.00 Mon 13th July
$7.50 Mon 20th July
$8.00 Mon 27th July
$6.00 August
$4.50 September
$5.50 October
$8.00 November or later

Next to appear on Q&A
$8.00 PM
$1.75 Cabinet Minister
$5.00 Junior Minister
$7.00 Parliamentary Secretary
$8.00 Backbencher

Next to appear
$3.00 Malcolm Turnbull
$6.00 Barnaby Joyce
$7.00 Julie Bishop
$7.00 Scott Morrison
$8.00 Tony Abbott
$10 Joe Hockey
$10 George Brandis
$12 Christopher Pyne
$15 Greg Hunt
$15 Eric Abetz
$21 Cory Bernadi