Punters with online bookmaker sportsbet.com.au have picked Adelaide to be the city with the hottest temperature this summer.

32% of total wagers have been placed on the City of Churches at odds of $2.50 ahead of 30% riding on Perth at $3.00.

Sydney has attracted just one single bet of $50 at odds of $6.00 - despite cracking 43 degrees in pre-summer.

Sportsbet has also reduced the odds on a new record temperature being reached from $5.00 into $4.20 on the back of weather analysts predicting a summer scorcher ahead.

“If our punters are right about this summer then Adelaide won’t be the City of Churches anymore but more like hell on earth,’’ said sportsbet.com.au’s Will Byrne.

Markets courtesy of sportsbet.com.au: Join Sportsbet.com.au Here.

Hottest City this Summer
$2.50 Adelaide
$3.00 Perth
$6.00 Sydney
$7.50 Melbourne
$11 Darwin
$11 Brisbane
$11 Canberra
$21 Hobart

Will the hottest temperature record be broken?
$1.20 No
$4.20 Yes