More than 60% of the bets, with Australian online bookmaker – BetEasy, have been on the official interest rate to be decreased in March.

BetEasy’s odds for rates to remain is $1.45, while $2.30 is on offer for a decrease of between 1 and 25 basis points.

A decrease of 26 basis points or more is rated an $11 chance.

“All the late money has been for interest rates to remain on hold in March,” said BetEasy’s Rob Cumbrae-Stewart.

“The price on Monday morning for ‘no change’ was $1.65, but that had been backed into $1.45 by lunchtime.”

Market courtesy of BetEasy

March 2015 RBA Interest Rate Decision

$1.45 Stay the Same

$2.30 Decrease by 0.01% to 0.25%

$11 Decrease by 0.26% or more

$51 Increase by 0.01% to 0.25%

$101 Increase by 0.26% or more