NFL Commissioner Roger Goodell has to be searching for a cleaning agent to remove the egg from his face as Tom Brady, despite being banned for four games at the beginning of the season, has shredded the competition all season to an extent that must be a source of remorseless chagrin for Goodell.

In a Monday Night Football game against the Baltimore Ravens last night, Brady tossed the 450th touchdown pass of his career. Hidden in that stat, however, is that Brady threw just his second interception of the entire season. That is basically incomprehensible, as it is not uncommon for NFL quarterbacks, even the elites, to throw two interceptions in one game. The luck factor alone, where an interception is created by a deflected pass through no fault of the passer, should have given Brady at least one interception for the season.

Brady has 22 touchdown passes for the season with three games remaining. Statistically, there are 12 quarterbacks who have thrown more touchdowns this season, but none of those 12 missed the first four games of the season. In terms of TDs/game, Brady, at 2.44, trails only Green Bay’s Aaron Rodgers’ 2.46.

Perhaps even more startling, the Patriots lack a credible running attack, so opposing defenses go into games knowing that Brady will be slinging the ball. Brady has also lost his big play threat tight end Rob Gronkowski, and has two outside receivers that might not even be given a uniform by any other team.