As they say in the current state of AFL affairs, “Loyalty – Schmoyalty.”

That appears to be the accurate and operative phrase for Gary Ablett, who took an armoured carload of money to bolt the Geelong Cats and head north to try to add miracle worker to his AFL resume.

Now, it appears that the Gold Coast Suns have not lived up to Ablett’s expectations and he would like to return to his original club, the Geelong Cats, to conclude his career.

Ablett is contracted to the Suns through 2018, but he has announced that he wants a trade ahead of that, as his clock is winding down and it is hard to imagine him playing more than, at best, three seasons more before his boots are enshrined in the Australian Football Hall of Fame.

Gary Ablett Senior is already there waiting for junior, although the exact location of where is somewhat obtuse.

It seems that there is widespread support for Ablett junior to go back to Geelong, but there are those who think, rightfully so, that Ablett should have thought of this before abandoning the side he now claims to remember nostalgically, since everything he did, he did at Geelong.

The Cats were willing to pay him handsomely, but it was just 30 pieces of silver that swayed Ablett to seek his fortune up north.

Cats’ supporters in general would love to see Ablett running with Patrick Dangerfield, a prospect that may send shivers down the spines of the other sides.

There are times, however, when the good guy does not always get the girl, disaster is not averted in the nick of time and the decaying theatre is not saved when the misfits decide to put on a show.

In our opinion, which is neither humble nor grandiose, Ablett made his bed and now he should lie in it. There is always 2019, right? And who does he think he is, LeBron James?