Seeking any sort of edge for the 2016 NRL Grand Final match featuring the Cronulla Sharks and the Melbourne Storm, both clubs resorted to the time-honoured tactic of messing with the minds of their rivals.

The “home” club Sharks were sartorially upstaged by the Storm when the Storms’ players and coaches arrived nattily attired in suits and ties after telling the Cronulla side to dress casually.

The Sharks countered by allegedly threatening to throw a member of the Storm’s support staff into Sydney Harbour.

The Storm escalated the traditional mind games when they showed up late for the team media presentation ceremony, something that did not sit well with the Sharks.

The business over neckties or the lack thereof was somewhat difficult to fathom, as it is widely thought that rugby players seldom own ties, much less know how to tie one, and typically resort to clip-ons when the occasion does warrant a tie.

The winner of Sunday’s Grand Final at ANZ will have the final say in the “tiegate” scandal.