Predictably, Mike Tyson’s slur that Conor McGregor would “get killed” by Floyd Mayweather, Jr., elicited a response from the verbose Irishman, who has only the one rival, a certain top-level U.S. politician, when it comes to the need to have the first, second and last word.

McGregor and The Donald both share a love for Twitter, but where Trump likes Twitter, “Very, very much,” McGregor likes Twitter, “Even very, very, very much more-er.”

The eloquence of the two men is eerily similar, leading us to wonder why the two of them are never seen together in the same place at the same time, similar to how Clark Kent and Super Man never appeared together.

Taking to the social media platform that caters to the attention span challenged, McGregor tweeted, “That’s nice Mike, but you’re looking at the new Don King her, son. Money is mine.”

With Tyson back in his rightful place, McGregor could not resist a further barb. “You ae all going to eat your words for the rest of your days, while I eat lobster for the rest of mine.”

Several nutritionists were quick to point out that lobster, while delicious and nutritious, is not necessarily the best choice for a permanent diet.

Both McGregor and Tyson deserve kudos for excellent grammar and vocabulary skills, but it is not hard to suspect that they had help with their Twitter compositions.

We have to agree with Tyson regarding the outcome of the fight, although we cannot agree that McGregor will actually die, but we gave Jeff Horn’s chances against Manny Pacquiao as nil, so we must acknowledge that we have been known to occasionally be wrong in the past. In the eyes of some of our closest companions, it is less a case of occasionally than it is a case of always.

McGregor does remind us, and has referred to himself, as the Irish Muhammad Ali, so he has chosen wisely, when it comes to role models.

On the other hand, it could simply be a case of McGregor trying to bait Tyson and get the former world heavyweight champion to come out of retirement.