New Six Nations Head Coach Eddie Jones, in a message intended to notify this squad’s players that Stuart Lancaster’s tenure is over by having motivational quotes of Arnold Schwarzenegger on the walls of the high performance centre in England stripped.

Jones wants the players to personalize the centre with their own mark at the multimillion-dollar training base.

“I’m not a big fan of his movies, so he definitely won’t be there!” Jones was quoted saying at the RBS 6 Nations launch, referring to the quotes, not Mr. Schwarzenegger himself.

Jones mentioned that he was enjoying the transition period as a coach who has not yet had to deal with player personality clashes or incessant heat from fans and media who will waste no time analyzing every strategic decision or mundane detail in infinite detail.

Captain Dylan Hartley has possibly provided the first opportunity for Jones to display his player management skills. Hartley is the squad’s most experienced player, but he is seeking help from Jones to better manage the decline in skills attributed to his poor disciplinary record that has resulted in over a year of suspensions. This drama early on in Jones’ tenure resulted from questions over Hartley’s suitability for the role of skipper.