Things have been said to the effect of the fine levied by the Nevada Athletic Commission (NAC) against Conor McGregor are having an impact on the rumoured fight between McGregor and Floy Mayweather, but if you were to listen to McGregor, as if listening to him were an option, his recent appearance before the Commission had positive implications.

McGregor had a $100,000 fine levied against him for his unruly behaviour during a UFC pre-fight press conference ahead of a contest that involved heavy doses of profanity as a prelude, followed by McGregor tossing a water bottle at his opponent.

As a result of McGregor’s show of remorse in a recent meeting with the NAC, the $100,000 fine has been reduced to $25,000, provided that McGregor performs 25 hours of community service and covers Nevada’s legal costs in the case. That should save McGregor considerable coin.

As much as any entity, the NAC would love to see the McGregor v Mayweather fight go from speculation to reality. The exact form of McGregor’s 25 hours of community service certainly arouses some interesting speculation.

Perhaps he could make a music video warning at-risk youths of the dangers of taking oneself too seriously, or provide instructions along the lines of speaking modestly and letting one’s actions prove the point.