The Golden State Warriors will have to have a remarkable 30-game run if they are going to equal or better last year’s NBA all-timer record regular season mark of 73 – 9.

With 51 games played thus far, the Warriors have already lost eight times, meaning that they can only lose one more time in the remaining 31 games to stay on pace to match last year’s mark.

They are obviously lamenting the decision to send Andrew Bogut packing in order to be able to afford Kevin Durant, as Durant is costing them far more from a salary perspective and won-loss records do not lie.

Lost in the record setting regular season was the fact that the Warriors were extended in the playoffs and had to mount a historic comeback in the Western Conference Finals against the Oklahoma City Thunder that at the time, had Durant on their team. The Warriors fell flat against the Cleveland Cavalier in the NBA Championship Final, as they will this year and every year in the future so long as LeBron James is able to take to the court.

Michael Jordan, playing for the Chicago Bulls when the old mark of 72 – 10 was established in 1995 – 96, was quick to point out that 73 regular season wins amounted for naught since the Warriors were unable to back it up in the finals.