With his keen sense of satire at its sharpest, former tennis champion and current tennis commentator John McEnroe has weighed in on the brouhaha that erupted over Margaret Court’s desire to have the Melbourne Park Arena Stadium renamed should Australia legalise gay marriage.

McEnroe would like to see Court’s name retained on the facility, but only so he could make arrangements for Elton John to host a massive same-sex wedding ceremony on the centre court of Margaret Court Ariana.

Margaret Court, obviously, has very conservative views on same-sex marriage, to which she is entitled and she should also have the right to express those views, which she did. Where she may have erred is that the community for which she seemingly has nothing but disdain is one of the most vocal when it comes to advocating for their perspective.

McEnroe lists Elton John (so far as we know, no relation to Melbourne resident Oliva Newton John) as one of his friends, perhaps his only friend, although the word friend has a much broader definition that it at one time did, so it would appear as though McEnroe’s and Court’s views on the subject of same-sex marriage are divergent.

As the former and current reigning “Clown Prince” of tennis, McEnroe has appointed himself as the non-existent “Commissioner of Tennis.”

McEnroe has a somewhat jaded opinion of marriage in general, saying in regard to same sex couples, “I actually don’t see any reason why we shouldn’t give them the right to be as miserable as everybody else.”

McEnroe had much to say on the topic, following the firestorm Court ignited with statements to the effect that women’s tennis is full of lesbians. He has never, however, claimed that men’s tennis is full of homosexuals, and even if it were, he apparently would not be overly concerned.