LeBron James, in what could be characterized as an expected retort to Phil Jackson’s recent less-than-complimentary characterization of James’ insatiable thirst for “respect,” did not dispute the allegation that he demanded or was entitled to special treatment, but instead took issue with Jackson’s use of the word “posse” to describe James’ desire to hang out with family and mates overnight when his then-team, the Miami Heat, was visiting Cleveland to play against the Cavaliers.

Jackson’s ego must be wilting after learning that James had “Lost all respect” for Jackson. Jackson is most likely now to embark on the lifestyle of a wandering hermit, since without James’ “respect,” it would be impossible for him to contemplate any other path.

Following a morning short-around with his current team, surrounded by members of his coterie, James made a convoluted statement concerning Jackson’s motivations for his flagrant display of “disrespect” for him, which was coherent only in the sense that it was spoken in English and contained words.

James went on to advise Jackson that he, Jackson, should consult a dictionary in the future so as to be able to choose words, the definition of which posed no threat to James’ perception of the level of “respect” he is experiencing.

Quid Pro Quo, Mr. James. Quid Pro Quo.