A system for trading players would benefit the Australian A-League, in the view at least, of Tim Cahill.

Cahill has played in Europe, America and Asia, so no one could accuse him of not being exposed to the way things are done elsewhere.

The major soccer leagues of the world can trade players. The current scenario in the A-League features a requirement that a team release a player in order to be picked up by another club. A recent prominent example of that reality was provided by the Newcastle Jets’ release of David Carney prior to his signing with Sydney FC mere hours before the Australian transfer window closed.

A move such as Cahill suggests would offer a lease on life to players who currently find themselves not playing. Players on strong teams who never get on the ground would find a lot of opportunities to play for weaker teams, with the outcome being that those weaker teams would gain strength.

We find little to fault in Cahill’s proposal, but at the current moment in time, the A-League seems to be thriving, with plans for expansion to 12 teams already cemented in place and many suitors clamouring for an expansion to 18 teams.