Mum and dad would not stand aside and let him do his job, or words to that effect, according to former Lydia Ko coach David Leadbetter, commenting on his departure from the role he served as the Kiwi golfer’s mentor.

The two had been working together since 2013, during which time Ko ascended to the number one ranking in the world of women’s professional golf.

How much of that was the result of Leadbetter’s expertise and how much was the product of Ko’s talent is one of those questions that can never be answered with total conviction, but stage tiger parents have been known to throw a spanner or two into the works ever since David’s mum was advising him what size rock to use on Goliath, that, at least, is beyond doubt.

At just 19 years of age, Ko finds herself in a role that many of more advanced years and maturity have found to be a difficult one.

Leadbetter, proper Englishman that he is, was reluctant to cast aspersions in the direction of Mr. and Mrs. Ko, saying only that they obviously did an exemplary job of raising a proper young lady.

What role the elders may or may not have had in the split betwixt Ko and her club carrier Jason Hamilton is a separate issue.