There was a time when a player of any professional sport would never imagine questioning the authority of a coach or going public with comments regarding positioning or strategy, but we mention that only for historical purposes, as that era is a distant remnant of the past.

So, when Greg Inglis of the South Sydney Rabbitohs went public with his yearning to once again wear the number one jersey as the fullback of the squad, it was not so much indignation bur resignation that greeted his disclosure.

The 31-year-old will make his return to the game in the NRL game between the bunnies and the Warriors in Perth Saturday coming.

He has been on for just 20 minutes during the pre-season, so he had more than enough time to weigh in on the club’s decision to use him at centre in order to ascertain how well Inglis’ reconstructed knee holds up in the heat of battle.

Alex Johnson has been named a fullback as the teams prepare to take in the splendor of the recently launched Optus Stadium.

Asked if he would make his case to usurp the number one jersey from Johnston, Inglis said, “That’s the position I love playing. We’re still ticking over with dynamics of the team and we’ve still got to get through the next two days.Is there a chance (I could play there on Saturday)? You’ll have to wait and see.”

We are not certain how much dynamic ticking remains to be done, but we appreciate ticking of any kind, so long as our heart remains ticking, dynamically or otherwise, but we cannot help but wonder how much weight the honchos at South Sydney command centre grant to an aging and hobbled veteran.

Souths Coach Anthony Siebold said there was not ticking of any kind ongoing. “No, there’s no chance mate. He’s (Inglis) going to play left centre.”

You can tick that one off your list.