If you think the bugs are scary in Rio, there are concerns far more troubling in the eyes of some, such as chief Rio de Janeiro organiser Sidney Levy, CEO of the organsing committee.

Levy considers security against terrorists to be the prime concern. The 1972 Summer Games in Munich are most remembered for the Munich massacre that cost 11 Israeli athletes to lose their lives. In 1996, the Atlanta Summer Games were despoiled by the Centennial Olympic Park Bombing on July 27. One person died and 111 were injured.

In an Argentina rife with opportunities, the concerns over a terrorist statement are not groundless by any stretch. Rio’s acting governor has warned of budget shortfalls that could impair Brazilian plans to deploy 85,000 security forces.

The Zika virus is actually far down the list of worries. August is winter in Brazil and the mosquito population should be at an annual low point.

Water pollution poses a larger threat. Four of the five sites utilising Guanabara Bay tested daily for bacteria seem to be above the 80 percent level for safety, but a fifth site may have to be changed.

Reports have indicated that some levels of bacteria which Brazil does not bother testing have astronomically high levels in the water.