It could be called Glass Jaw Syndrome, or there might be a more politically correct term for it, but it seems that Ronda Rousey has been revealed to be unable to sustain a hit to her face without immediately crumbling into a heap.

The weakness has been unequivocally exposed in her last two fights against Holly Holm and Amada Nunes, both of whom dispatched the UFC’s marquee woman fighter is a matter of seconds.

The extent of the Achilles’s Jaw issue for Rousey is such that none of her sparring partners are permitted to touch her face during training sessions and are further required to sign non-disclosure contracts or face multi-million dollar lawsuits.

It seems to be a classic example of using whatever means possible in order to save face.

The information that Rousey is not to be tested with blows to the face during training came from Julianna Pena, who is not a training partner of Rousey and is thus not too concerned over divulging Rousey’s weakness.

Raquel Pennington is a Rousey training partner, and whilst she would not reveal the contents of any contractual agreements, she did admit to being asked to sign the training agreement.

Rousey was mostly silent in the year following her defeat to Holm, which could have contributed to jaw fragility.

Conor McGregor, on the other hand, must have the strongest jaw on the planet.