As if he were not already suspect for his profession of liking Budweiser after winning the Super Bowl, Denver quarterback Peyton Manning is now dealing with allegations that he was naughty back in the 1990s while a student at the University of Tennessee.

Six former female students of the college have filed a lawsuit for creating “a hostile sexual environment” by not taking alleged reports of sexual assaults seriously.

With regard to Manning, the suit accuses him of placing his naked genitals on the face of a female athletic trainer while she was examining him for an injury. Examining closely, it would seem.

Those of us who remember our college days back in the 70s, when a sense of decorum existed that would never have permitted such an egregious atrocity, because men and women college students of that time were interested in nothing other than a university education, can only shake our heads in wonder at the way things have changed.

Manning’s account of the incident seems to contradict that of the athletic trainer, who had previously sued Manning for describing her in a book he had written as “vulgar mouthed.”

Strong words, Peyton. While we do not care what you choose to drink or do in your spare time, we will let you off with a warning to start associating with a better class of beer.