Any Australian rider to win a stage on this year’s Tour de France is an odds on chance with online bookmaker

$1.95 for yes would suggest that we’re in with a real shot despite no being the $1.80 favourite.

Success could come in the opening stage, where time trial specialist Rohan Dennis is on the fifth line of betting at $19.

An Australian to win the Tour is only a $51 chance, although Richie Porte is fifth favourite overall at $21 behind Chris Froome ($2.63) and Nairo Quintana ($3.25).

“Richie Porte has been the fifth best backed rider to win the Tour, but it wouldn’t surprise to see Simon Gerrans add a third stage to his name,” said’s Christian Jantzen.

Markets courtesy of Join Here.

An Aussie to win a stage
$1.95 Yes
$1.80 No

Stage 1 winner
$2.10 Tony Martin
$3.75 Tom Dumoulin
$10 Fabian Cancellara
$13 Adriano Malori
$19 Rohan Dennis

Nationality of winning rider
$2.63 UK
$3.25 Colombia
$4.33 Spain
$7.00 Italy
$13 France
$26 USA
$51 Australia

Tour de France winner
$2.63 Chris Froome
$3.25 Nairo Quintana
$5.00 Alberto Contador
$6.00 Vincenzo Nibali
$21 Richie Porte
$26 Thibault Pinot