While it often seems as though the slimmest of Australian connections is all that it takes to earn Socceroo consideration, Martin Boyle’s discovery that his father was born in Australia if a bona fide qualification.

Boyle plays in Scotland with Socceroos Mark Milligan and Jamie Maclaren and is now a target for scouting by Graham Arnold, who would like to lure the former Scotland international and FA Cup finalist to the Australian side of the world.

Scotland has an interest in Boyle’s future as well, but Boyle’s friend and 14-time Scottish international and FA Cup runner-up Gavin Rae claims that Boyle is keen on Australia and would be a valuable addition to Australia’s national team.

“When I was at Aberdeen he came on trial from Montrose - he was a striker back then having scored loads of goals at a lower level. Aberdeen didn’t pick him up but Dundee did and I signed for them that summer (as a player-coach) so we arrived at the same time and travelled together for a couple years to training so I got to know him very well,” Rae said.

Rae moved Boyle to the wing, where he played well and got on with Hibernia. Rae described Boyle’s strengths as the reason for the positional move, saying, “He didn’t start straight away as a striker and was playing reserves, so I ended up moving him out to the wing because he’s just lightning quick, like ridiculous pace.”

Boyle was born in Scotland and has lived there for his entire life, but the opportunity to represent Australia through his father’s connection to the country might prove just the lever to get him to switch his allegiance.

Rae says that Boyle is more than good enough to play for Scotland, ranked 39th in the world and would therefore be a good fit for the 43rd ranked Socceroos.

Depending on how things play out, Boyle could get the call up for a friendly for Scotland’s meeting with Portugal in mid-October, but if Arnold should decide he wants Boyle, he could be called for Australia in a game with Kuwait on the same day in October.