Someone has had the temerity to ask which NBA player is the MVP.

We will not even acknowledge the validity of that question by typing the name needed to supply the obvious answer and the only clue we will supply is geographical and reveals that the MVP plays in a city east of the Mississippi River, South of the Canada/U.S. border and is unquestionably the most respected NBA figure of all-time.

Just to make it interesting, however, there are others who could be included in the discussion, with James Harden and Russell Westbrook putting up triple-doubles with such frequency as to make the feat appear almost pedestrian.

There is also Steph Curry, but he will always be in the discussion for as long as he plays. He is a legitimate candidate for 2017 NBA MVP because not only does he produce startling statistics night after night, he also raises those on the floor and those in the Golden State Warriors’ locker room with him with apparent ease, the true measure of a player’s value.

Chris Paul of the Clippers deserves mention, as his team has ridden his back to an impressive record at this stage of the season, mainly on the strength of his improved passing.