Centrebet Mobile App Review

It is easy to conclude that we Australians have morphed into a nation of voyeurs and narcissists any time you observe spectators at a major sporting event, who rather than actually participate in the experience, are more interested in capturing it on video or using their smartphone’s camera function to take self-portraits in order to preserve photographic evidence that they were actually present at the event. It is not only us, however, as the phenomenon can be observed any place in the world.

It is not only sporting events where this can be observed. It seems as though there is an almost obsessive compulsion to capture and preserve every moment of the present for the future, whether it is a once-in-a-lifetime occurrence or simply an entirely mundane facet of everyday life. Join Centrebet For Best Fixed Odds Betting

If this is a societal trend, it had its origins long ago, when photography was taken out of the control of specialists and put into the hands of the average person, but it gained unprecedented momentum when Apple debuted the first iPhone in 2007, facilitating instant gratification on a scale not seen since Polaroid rolled out the Land Camera in 1948.

Centrebet Mobile Phone App

Centrebet Mobile App

For better or for worse, it seems as though the fascination with being able to capture still and video images and instantly share it with others is here to stay, because it is a fairly safe assumption that the smartphone is not going to suffer the slow decline and eventual near-death fate of the instant camera.

Of course, it is very possible that Polaroid backers were banking on the same thing, and time will reveal the future path of technology on its own timetable, so for the moment at least, there are many positive aspects of the smartphone and it mobile computing brethren that, on balance, seem to indicate the presence of benefits that far outweigh having to tolerate some minor neuroses.

Admittedly, we are not completely objective when those benefits involve mobile wagering, but we have never claimed to be. It is no exaggeration to say that mobile friendly website and platform-specific mobile applications have supplied a level of convenience to online wagering that is easy to appreciate. One bookmaking agency’s offering, that available from Centrebet, will be out subject at this time.

Here are some of the features of Centrebet’s mobile application.

Extensive Racing Markets

Bookmaking in general and Centrebet also, relies on racing to provide a steady stream of wagering markets. Whether you prefer to focus on the gallopers, the trots or the dogs, Centrebet’s mobile app will not be found wanting.

There are myriad opportunities every day of the year, seemingly, more than any one person could possibly assimilate. Centrebet supplies a form guide for its clients’ free use, so every detail can be examined in the hunt for a market that offers exceptional value or represents a hidden diamond awaiting exploitation. Exotic bet types are dealt with clearly, so anyone looking for a big payday with a quaddie, has a favourite hoop they prefer to back in a jockey challenge, or enjoys the ability to place win and each way wagers with a minimum of bother will find the application well designed. Join Centrebet Here

Over 9,000 sports markets

The ability to quickly process vast amounts of data has led to an expansive growth in the number of sports offered, along with some of the interesting variations, for example, first goal scorer in a footy or soccer match, which it would not otherwise be possible to offer. Centrebet offers the ability to construct multi bets of up to 12 legs and to monitor the outcomes of those legs in real time.

Complete banking function

Centrebet is known for having one of the bigger ranges of deposit and withdrawal options. They are one of only a handful that supports PayPal. Other features of this section of the app include the ability to view past punting history, account balance and the other money management features you experience on the primary website platform.


Judging by the similarity betwixt apps in general and mobile wagering apps as well, it seems as though app developers have general formulas and a template that makes it possible to turn out a well-functioning app in almost every instance. Centrebet has taken these foundations and combined them with extra special doses of testing and design.

The layout, beginning with the launch page and all subsequent pages, appeal to the eye, without providing needless distractions. A quick tap switches menu tabs and markets quickly, with icons that do not require brain surgeon dexterity to manipulate. Centrebet has an interesting look with white text on a black background that is surprisingly easy to see, even for those of us whose eyes have many years’ worth of seeing behind them.

One feature we appreciated was a tab that went immediately to a page showing upcoming events set to go off, arranged in descending order according to the time remaining. The speed and functionality of the app makes it possible to get a wager placed in under a minute, if you are the type who opts for that sort of thing.

Another thing we liked was an easy way to find in-play markets that did not require selecting a specific racing venue of sports category in order to find opportunities to wager on events already underway.

Plenty of options for customising to suit individual preferences offer additional time savings after a brief time spent configuring the app to repeat certain actions automatically. Being somewhat new to the online mobile wagering platform does not seem intimidating in the least, and any and all wagers can be cleared easily in the unlikely event that an inadvertent action cause an unwanted market to be selected.

Another spot in the app takes you straight to a section where you have the opportunity to view one-off and ongoing promotions and take advantage of any bonus bets or promotions you have earned.

We think anyone who enjoys a good wager combined with the convenience of mobile wagering will find little over which to quibble regarding Centrebet’s mobile apps. They have obviously created an offering that is the equal or superior of any of the bookmaker mobile apps and their apparent commitment to refining and enhancing the app is commendable. Join Centrebet Here